So, today I’m gonna give you 7 tips to help you go to your website and improve certain specific key elements that Google, and Yahoo and Bing are looking for, in order to help you outrank your competition. What’s the very first thing you need to be doing in order to make sure that Google loves your website and to improve your ranking for Search Engine Optimization Sunshine Coast?
Believe it or not, the very first thing I’m gonna suggest to you is responsive website design Sunshine Coast. So that, when someone comes to your website on a cell phone they’re able to see everything clearly without any zooming options. Your menu is very clear for them to be able to open and close easily. So, responsive design is going to be an absolute must-have when it comes to your local SEO. One of the easiest way for you to check and see obviously, is just to get on your phone and look up your website and if you don’t have to zoom in, then you’re probably responsive. Another easy way is to do a Google Mobile-Friendly Test.
You can simply Google Mobile-Friendly Test. You’ll be able to just come here and type in your web address and it will do a quick analysis of your website and tell you whether or not you pass. If your website is in fact mobile friendly or if it is not. It will give you a cool little screenshot of how it looks.

The next thing you need to be doing, and this is a huge one. This is one that you could go today and make a change and it could ultimately make a ranking difference, today, right now. Your page title must include your city location. So, if you have store that people come to or if you have a service that is location centric. Meaning, that if you are a roofing company and you only service your city. You only provide roofs to residential and commercial people in your city, then you are location driven. Your city location must be included with that key term that you’re going after. So, if you’re a roofer and you’re going after “roofing services” or “new roof”, then you want to have your city right in front of it. So, you do that inside your page titles.
If you’re not sure what that is and it’s sounding a little foreign to you, be sure to check out a plugin called Yoast. Y-O-A-S-T and I’ve done a whole series on that. Check out that plugin. It’s a free plugin from WordPress that will help you overwrite those page titles so that you’re sure to be able to put in your key city. It’s super important that they’re inside your header tags and your page titles. You want to sprinkle in your location, down that page. So, let’s say that you have multiple locations. How do you do that?
Another awesome thing that you do and the third tip I want to give you is a unique landing page. Either per service that you have or per location. Or perhaps even a combination of both. So, let me explain that one briefly. Obviously if you have multiple services, what you should not do is a page that just says “services” and just bullet point lists each thing that you have. That doesn’t give Google enough substance to sink it’s teeth into and really want to present to people searching.
What you want to do is have a major landing page that talks about each and and every service. So, for ours we would have a major service, specifically for “Search Engine Optimization Services”. We would have a major landing page on our website, specifically for “WordPress Web Development”. That’s the way that works. If you have multiple locations, I’ll show you an example here. We’ve got a company up in Canada that has multiple locations and what they do is on their “Contact” page, they have listed out different sales reps that rep different areas of a very vast territory that this company sells window shades to.
So, let’s say we wanna connect with Nicole. Nicole has her own landing page. She’s one of their sales reps. She has her own landing page that has unique content on it. They’ve got her picture on it, with a little bit of her bio on it. They have a unique phone number on here, specifically for this territory (specifically for Nicole) and they also have unique testimonies specifically to her and customers working with her.
One of the reasons why this is super important is that you want a page on your website to have the page title for this specific location or city that you’re working in. That you’re servicing; but, that cannot have duplicate content. For instance, you can’t just make a template for all your cities and then just go in and change the city name or the phone number on each one. You have to have unique content on each and every one of your major landing pages. I hope that makes sense. If not, get back to me on that and we’ll talk about it. The next thing I want to talk about (obviously) is social media.
You’ve gotta be using social media and also open source maps for SEO. Hands down if you’re not using that you’re gonna struggle with your local outreach. So, you want to be sure that you’re active over on FaceBook for sure, and be sure that you’re active on Instagram. It really depends on where your audience is; but, social media is going to be a key tool in your local outreach. Google wants to see you doing it. Plus, your customers want to be able to click on your social media icons and see that you’re active there and kind of interact with you, first, before they fully trust you. One of the key resources you can do to make sure that things are correct across social media is a tool called Moz Local. I’ll put a link to this in the descirption box below.

The other thing you want to be doing while you’re doing these social media networks is reviews. So, over here you see that we have 30 Google reviews. It is very important that you have your customers review your company. Whether it’s here on Google Plus or on Yelp, or on Bing. You want to have those reviews happening. Even over on Facebook. That’s great too. I know that’s probably the easiest place for people to go and review your company.
We’re gonna look at actually going out into the community. This sounds pretty wild, I know. But, if you’re trying to reach your local community, one of the best things you can do is get out into the community. So, we’re actually leaving our local business, (our brick and mortar) and going out into the community and giving back and reaching that local community. Of course, the whole time we’ve got our business cards with us We’re handing those out. We’re networking and asking people to visit our website. All of that absolutely helps. The 7th thing I want to tell you about.
Google Analytics If you are not tracking your Google Analytics (Right now, today) You will never know if all of this stuff you’ve been doing is even working. Your phone might start to ring more; but, you won’t necessarily know where those leads are coming from. Google Analytics is a free option for you and it will tell you that your social media is working. It will tell you, “Hey, your Facebook brought in 300 leads, this month and your Instagram only brought in 4.”
Don’t be using Instagram anymore or reevaluate how you are using Instagram. It will help you be accountable to all the time you’re spending writing blog posts, adding fresh content, putting new pictures and new products. It’s all gonna be important for you to monitor and it’s inside of Google Analytics.